Iraq and the Middle East |

Although the allied coalition won the Gulf War, and Kuwait was liberated, major issues remain unresolved. Saudi Arabia still hosts large US and British forces, Saddam's hold on power appears secure (for that region) and he likely continues to develop "weapons of mass destruction" and plan for military actions in the future. So what did our victory accomplish, and are there lessons here for the employment of force in the coming years?
"Letter from Egypt." An American with vast experience in (and affection for) Egypt gives DNI readers an insider's look into how the man on the (Cairo) street saw the events of September 11. Disturbing in places, but taken in all, a encouragingly optimistic report from the largest Arab country.
"Sticks and Stones Can Break an Army" by Stan Crock in BusinessWeek OnLine. Fourth generation warfare is not academic speculation. When armies fight teenagers, the "better" the soldiers do, the worse it looks on TV. Which is the whole idea. Readers may want to follow with Hal Gould's analysis in Comment 392.
"Terrorism: Near Eastern Groups and State Sponsors, 2001," Kenneth Katzman, Congressional Research Serrvice, 10 September 2001. Latest comprehensive survey from CRS. "Based on U.S. allegations of past plotting by the bin Ladin network, ... the network wants to strike within the United States itself." (PDF file on the CRS site.)
Data from the Al-Aqsa Intifada.
About the Comments (Full text of the references are available on Infowar)
One Guy Who Got it Right, November 14, 2001
Correction for the Record, October 22, 2001
A Grunt's View of the Saudi Volcano, October 4, 2001
The Struggle for Israel's Soul, August 20, 2001
Saudi Arabia: An NCO Reports, August 15, 2001
Why Did Sharon Go to the Temple Mount? May 5, 2001
The Iron Wall, March 11, 2001
The Other Side of the Coin, December 17, 2000
The Palestinian Question - Is it a Colonialist War? October 21, 2000
Coup in Pakistan—An Expert' Initial Observations, October 15, 1999
Food for Thought: Fourth Generation Warfare & the Relation of Military Strategy to Grand Strategy (II) August 28, 1998
Fourth Generation Warfare & the Relation of Military Strategy to Grand Strategy, August 26, 1998