Facts and Resources
Federation of American Scientists Probably the best single source for information on military and national security topics. Military Analysis Network contains descriptions and pictures of every significant weapon system worldwide. Also recommended: Terrorism, and Para-States ("Liberation" Movements)
Country Studies, published by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress. Many readers will recognize these as the Dept. of the Army's Area Handbooks. Excellent overviews of the history, government, military, and life styles of 101 countries that could involve deployments of US Army personnel (i.e., no France, UK, etc.)
British Helsinki Human Rights Group. The BHHRG monitors elections and investigates allegations of human rights abuses in OSCE member states. Very well done site focusing on the current situation in and around the Balkans.
US State Department Travel Warning and Consular Information Sheets. Although intended primarily for US Citizens planning travel abroad, TWs/CISs often provide detailed information on current security conditions and update the information in the LOC county studies.
Military on the Internet Extensive collection of links to military sites.
Center for Defense Information Comprehensive collection of national security resources. Especially recommended: World at War 2000, which documents the three dozen major conflicts (1,000 or more civil or military casualties) active in the world as of January 2000.
Center for Strategic and International Studies Links to CSIS research on a wide variety of national security topics.
U.S.Defense.Com A "National Defense, Military, and Foreign Policy Newswire."
Strategic Intelligence Excellent collection of links to resources on worldwide intelligence. From the PoliSci Dept., Loyola College in Maryland.
NOSI - Naval Open Source Intelligence Operational news from the world's navies on a daily basis; links to other navies and related sites