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Re: Professionalism and Retention in the US Army

From: Analyst YYY
Date: 24 Jul 2000
Time: 07:19:36


(Note: From an analyst in a private defense think tank)


The draft will not stop the death spiral. The military needs 5-10 years of the most radical shock therapy that can be conceived, and now, when the world is devoid of conventional threats to the US, is the right time to begin, and the wrong time to draft—you’ll end up with a lot of people with nothing to do, who don’t want to be there in the first place, who actively hate their bosses, and the only leaders in sight will be those who took the minimal intiative to “make the best of a bad situation.” Gee, sounds an awful lot like today’s military!

By the way, I disagree with you that working all the time is “passe”. Most people are working longer hours than ever before. But they’ll do it only for two things— for themselves or something they believe in, and for 50 years the military has given the people nothing to believe in.


Last changed: November 24, 2001