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From: John X, retired AF officer (West Point graduate)
Date: 16 Nov 2000
Time: 04:33:56
The Black Beret Controversy is precisely what the U.S. Army needs to show how truly incompetent its "leaders" are and the lack of leadership extends from NCOs to the top including, including generals Shinseki and Shelton, and Secretary Cohen.
I cannot imagine such a hassle under the WWII leaders; MacArthur, Eisenhower, Patton, Bradley and their peers. What's changed?
Both sides; the followers and the leaders are quite different, and I must add that it's more difficult now for a leader than it used to be. At the same time that followers became more truculent, the leaders have become weaker. Throw in the gender and ethnic aspects and you have the proverbial Mexican standoff. Not much gets done or if it is accomplished the price tag is out of sight. It's not surprising that these weaklings feel it is a better bet to toss in bombs from a safe distance (Air Force) than to actually engage an enemy nose to nose.
I don't believe the Army can recover. There are just too many negative points to overcome. I expect that the U.S. will rely on the air power of the Air Force and Navy to back up the ground capability of the Marines. This is probably adequate since our potential enemies don't follow or lead any better than the U.S. Army. So where's the beef?