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For God's Sake - Why don't they get RID of the 50% resident CGSC cut

Date: 08 Feb 2001
Time: 08:28:28


As I go along in the Army there are some things that are easy to figure out and some that are really hard. Below the zone promotions are pretty easy - you are either REALLY good or REALLY connected or (rarely - very rarely) both.

What is really hard to figure is this Resident CGSC stuff. There are people on the list that you litterly shake your head and the best company commander in my brigade when I was also a CO was passed over twice for this. The CGSC board, like no other board in the Army seems utterly chaotic.

That an Army decision process is chaotic is nothing new. But this board is REALLY damaging the Army. Here's why - you are dead meat and will NEVER make an impact if you are not selected Resident CGSC. Therefore, the 50% have nots who have anything going for them at all will bail because you will never get a meaningful assignment again. You will be fodder for PERSCOM to slot in the jobs that no one wants or cares about. Therefore, anyone with an ounce of brains will justifiably conclude that their commission has just become a civil-service job.

What puzzles me (and maybe I can get an answer from this board) is that OPMSXXI SPECIFICALLY identified the "haves and have not" problem that the CGSC resident board creates in 1997!! There has been NO action (near as I can tell on universal MEL4). Whats the hang up????

Last changed: July 09, 2001