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From: David Baker
Date: 07 Jul 2001
Time: 03:51:57
Also duly noted, but you must know that there are racists in the military. Two of those retired sergeants I worked with could not end a sentence without the phrase "dumb nigger" attached. They each received preferential treatment during base-closure. After I was RIF'ed from DoD/ATC, both of these men remained at the office which seven of us were forced to leave. Neither retiree were higher tenured than myself, or two others who left. I flew aircraft from the base, and my flight plans were processed through my former section by those retired sergeants. Every other flight I made, I was forced to shut the plane down and phone the section to find out why my DD-175 was not processed, and each time they would say "Oh, we just got it". Afterward, I had to repeat the start-engine checklist. This took time, and was very irritating. When one of the retirees met me at the hangar after a delayed flight, I asked him why they couldn't process the flight plans correctly. His answer? "Oh, it's those dumb niggers workin' for us. They fuck everything up!" Those were his exact words. It turns out that he was personally delaying my flights as a means to, again, make my life miserable. (I must admit my remarks to him precipitated his hatred. One night, he got very angry at me for not following his "orders". First, he wasn't my supervisor, and second, I was his senior. After enduring his gratuitous threats of dismissal (?) I stated: "You're going to live a long time" He ceased his tirade, and asked what I meant. "Well, isn't alcohol a preservative?" He sort of snickered at that.) I got an earful of his backstabbing slander from a friend who overheard his litany of derogatory remarks about me. Actually, he had nothing nice to say about anybody....when they were not in his presence. This man was a Michigan cow milking, kiss-ass drunk. More accurately, WHITE-TRASH!!