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Re: A Troubling Example

From: Mark R. Lewis
Date: 20 Jul 2001
Time: 07:30:27


"They are acutely aware of [training shortfalls], that's why COLs are commanding Companies and GENs a commanding Battalions."

Right. But they are also responsible for those training shortfalls, both directly - because they are responsible for training leaders and units two levels down - and indirectly, because they continue to perpetutate a micro-management culture that feeds an inexperience "DO" loop.

When you have inexperienced leaders, you've got to closely manage them, either thru overly restrictive control measures, or by direct, active supervision.

When you closely manage and/or directly supervise subordinates, they are unable to learn the deeper, more complex lessons - they cannot maximize the (all too few) training opportunity. Which continues to feed their inexperience. Which means they've got to be micro-managed. Which continues to feed....

Real-world missions are also training opportunities.

Last changed: November 24, 2001