More from the ALC

The schedule was: Don Vandergriff leading off with a couple of adaptive leadership games designed to illustrate, not just talk about, the factors that produce leaders who can thrive in unpredictablecon2.jpg situations. I did a Boyd briefing, which I’ll post later. Mike Wyly told about his experiences in the campaign to get maneuver warfare into the Marine Corps in the late 1970s and the 1980s and drew lessons for any organization that tries to change. Dale Stewart wrapped up with observations for the crisis management community — particularly police and fire fighters — and some of his experiences in working disasters from Indonesia to Hurricane Katrina.

The Q&A focused on application of the ideas to the attendees’ organizations, ranging from first responders to venture capital.

In the picture, Mike Wyly is setting the Schwerpunkt while I try to stay unobtrusive.

Long day - more later.

2 Responses to “More from the ALC

  • 1
    Fabius Maximus
    March 20th, 2008 08:00

    To read more about the Adaptive Leader’s Course and other works by Donald Vandergriff:

    The Essential 4GW reading list: Chapter Two, Donald Vandergriff

  • 2
    Chet Richards » Implementing Boyd, II
    March 23rd, 2008 17:12

    […] the Adaptive Leadership Conference, retired USMC Colonel Mike Wyly recounted the Corps’ experience in implementing maneuver […]

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