Aging: New Weapons Too Expensive to Modernize Forces on a Timely Basis.
Plan: Envisions 2nd Generation War of Attrition in Distant Future
New Weapons & Force Structure: Tech. & Ideas Are Legacies of Cold War Thinking
Army: Smaller Version of Heavy Force Designed to Fight on North German Plain
Comanche, Crusader, Digitization, and New Generation of “Fire & Forget PGMs.
Increased Emphasis on Active Force Rather than Shift to Reserves
Air Force: Smaller Version of Force Configured for Bombing of “Strategic” Infrastructure & Interdicting Tank-Heavy Ground Forces
Continued Emphasis on Cold War Technologies (Stealthy F-22 & JSF, Adv. PGMs, Force Multipliers)
Less CAS & Dir. Supt of Army, But Increased Use of Space
Marginal Increases in Reserves
Navy: Smaller Version of Force Configured for Global War at Sea & Strategic Bombardment
Surface Combatants Configured for Air Defense (Aegis) and Cruise Missile Attack (TLAM)
Air (F/A-18E/F & JSF) Configured for Deep Bombing
No Surface Fire Support / Sea-Based CAS to Support Marines in 3rd Generation Littoral Operations
Attack Submarines Configured for Open Ocean Warfare (NSSN) & Cruise Missile Attack (TLAM)
Marine Corps: Only Service to Adopt 3rd Generation Warfare as Doctrine (1980s)